Select the correct answer:

1. 'And the grave is not its goal'
The word 'grave' refers to

2. 'For I'm off to outer space tomorrow morning'.
Where is the poet going?

3. 'Or, all day, we drive the wheels of iron'
What do the children do all day?

4. 'Where the mind is without fear
And the head is held high'
The given lines are written by

5. Where did Antony address the public while displaying Caesar's body to the Romans?

6. Alan Trevor was a

7. In the story 'The Selfish Giant', the Giant was covered with ________ blossoms when he lay dead under the tree in his garden.

8. 'The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre' is situated in

9. 'It is heartening to meet Laxmi, our porter, the following morning. He is a sturdy young man'.
Sturdy means

10. Match the British English words under Column A with their American English equivalents under Column B:
Column A Column B
(a) Autumn 1. Truck
(b) Holiday 2. Freight
(c) Lorry 3. Fall
(d) Goods 4. Vacation
(a) (b) (c) (d)